Shasat and PwC collaborate to offer Public Sector accounting Courses

Monday, April 25th, 2016



“Shasat is proud to join hands with PwC to offer public sector accounting workshops in seven major cities of the world” says Sunil Kansal, Managing Director of Shasat. “Our global excellence in offering training courses and PwC’s global implementation experience in IPSAS makes us natural partner in offering Accrual accounting training solutions to public sector professionals all over the world. As part of this joint effort, we are launching our yearly training calendar to offer public sector accounting courses, both public and in-house courses, in three continents covering cities such as London, Brussels, the Hague, Geneva, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Miami so that we can reach out to maximum number of professionals all around the world. Our objective is to offer best IPSAS’ training faculty and best training facilities to offer truly world class unmatched learning solutions to all the public sector professionals.”

“PwC supports the development of IPSAS with the aim to promote transparency, democratic accountability and enhance good governance and public financial management by public sector entities around the world” says Patrice Schumesch, PwC global public finance & accounting partner and chair of PwC’s IPSAS technical working group. “While the global move toward IPSAS is accelerating, building capabilities remains a challenge. We want to address this challenge and share with public sector professionals our extensive practical experience of helping governments and international organisations implement and apply IPSAS. We are pleased to join our forces with Shasat for this initiative with the objective to offer training of the highest quality.”

Lessons learned from the sovereign debt crisis and the increasing pressure on governments and public sector organisations to better manage public resources, have made a global case for action, highlighting the need for more transparent, consistent and globally comparable financial reporting in the public sector. IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standards) are being adopted by a large number of public sector entities all over the world. International organisations have been at the forefront of the move towards IPSAS, but the trend is also clear for governments, with an increasing number of them adopting accrual accounting practices with IPSAS serving as a reference point. In Europe, the European Commission is conducting a project to develop European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS) with IPSAS also used as a reference.

Until now, the IPSASB has issued 32 accrual-basis accounting standards and one cash basis accounting standard; it continues its work programme with the objective to finalise a comprehensive set of high-quality accounting standards that meet the needs of public sector entities.

Upcoming courses:

IPSAS Training Courses (2-5 Days)

IPSAS Fundamentals – 5-Day Workshop | Abu Dhabi | Online | Dubai | Singapore | Cape Town | London | Brussels | Washington DC | Accra | Vancouver | Montreal | Geneva

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About Shasat

SHASAT is a UK based global training organisation ( SHASAT offers widest range of IPSAS and IFRS courses worldwide and has a very strong international network with leading public and private sector entities including large pool of professionals from over 100 countries. Shasat offers over 200 public courses each year in over 70 cities, which attract thousands of accounting professionals from all over the world who are taught by one of the most experienced IFRS and IPSAS faculty of instructors. Visit us at: